Sunday, 18 October 2015

čokoladna torta

1 šalica {indijskih oraščića + integralnog sezama + badema}
1/2 šalice heljde
1/2 šalice suhih datulja
4-5 velikih žlica kakaa u prahu
1 zreli avokado
2 zrele banane
sok 1/3 limuna
nekoliko jagoda, malina ili borovnica (nije neophodno)

Orašaste plodove namočiti 8 sati, a heljdu oko 4-5 sati (link). Isprati pod vodom, ocijediti i staviti u blender ili multipraktik. Dodati datulje i 2 velike žlice kakaa u prahu. Dobro izmiksati u manje ili više homogenu smjesu (prema vlastitom ukusu) i rasporediti na veliki tanjur ili u kalup za kolač. Staviti u frižider ili zamrzivač.
Za kremu, staviti avokado i banane u blender, dodati 2-3 žlice kakaa u prahu, jagode, limunov sok i po želji zasladiti s malo ječmenog slada, melase ili datulja (banane su već same po sebi slatke pa nije potrebno). Izmiksati u homogenu smjesu. Kremu ravnomjerno rasporediti po donjem sloju i staviti kolač u zamrtivač na 45 minuta prije rezanja.

što ako/
Datulje možete prije upotrebe namočiti sat-dva u malo vode, ali možete ih koristiti i suhe.
Umjesto navedenih orašastih plodova možete koristiti neke druge, recimo lješnjake ili orahe, a ukoliko ne jedete orašaste plodove, možete upotrijebiti ribani kokos.
Ako nemate dobar blender koji bi to sve odmah samljeo, bez brige, nemam ga niti ja. Pročitajte ovdje što učiniti u tom slučaju.
Kalup za kolač ili tanjur nije loše nauljiti s malo maslinovog ulja prije stavljanja smjese, kako bi se torta kasnije lakše odvojila.


chocolate cake

1 cup {cashews + unhulled sesame + almonds}
1/2 cup buckwheat
1/2 cup dried dates
4-5 big tablespoons of powdered cacao
1 ripe avocado
2 ripe bananas
juice of 1/3 of lemon
a couple of strawberries, raspberries or blueberries (optional) 

Soak the nuts for 8 hours and the buckwheat for 4-5 hours (link). Rinse with water and put in a blender. Add dates and two big tablespoons of cacao powder. Blend into a more or less homogeneous mixture (however you like it). Place the mixture on a big plate or in a cake mold and distribute evenly. Put it in a fridge or in a freezer. 
For the cream, put the avocado and the bananas in the blender, add 2-3 tablespoons of cacao powder, strawberries and lemon juice. Bananas are already sweet, but if you like it sweeter you can add some malt, molasses or dates. Blend it all in a homogeneous mixture and spread on top of the first layer. Put the cake in the freezer for 45 minutes before slicing it.

what if/
The dates can be used dry, but they can as well be soaked in a little bit of water for an hour or two.
If you prefer some other nuts such as walnuts or hazelnuts, you can use them instead of the mentioned ones. Grated coconut can be used as well.
If you don't have a good blender (neither do I), you can read what to do here.
You can put a little bit of olive oil on the plate/mold before putting the cake mixture there as it will be easier to remove the cake afterwards.

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