Friday, 30 October 2015

o sokovima

Primjetila sam da su mnogima kašasti sokovi još uvijek najdraži način konzumiranja voća i povrća. Osobno puno više volim voće i povrće u njegovom prirodnom obliku, ali svejedno ponekad uživam u gustom kašastom soku ili recimo cijeđenoj naranči ili grejpu. Napisat ću nekoliko rečenica o načinu pijenja sokova jer znam da mnogi nisu nikada razmišljali o tome.
Ako napravite kašasti sok od npr. banane, četvrtine ananasa, 50 grama špinata, 2-3 jabuke, 1-2 kruške i kriške celera, to sigurno nije nešto što ćete ubaciti u želudac u roku od 3 sekunde samo zato što je tekuće. Razmislite koliko bi vam vremena trebalo da sve te sastojke prožvačete. Probava hrane počinje u ustima, gdje enzimi iz sline počinju katalizirati razgradnju hrane. Amilaze iz sline razgrađuju škrob na jednostavnije šećere.
Dok pijete sok (a zapravo ga jedete, samo što ste preskočili žvakanje), pokušajte ga što dulje zadržati u ustima. Neka vam prođe po cijeloj površini jezika, osjetite sve okuse. Radije uzmajte manje gutjaje nego da vam sok samo prođe kroz usta na putu do želuca; na taj način će ga vaše tijelo maksimalno iskoristiti.


about smoothies

I noticed that smoothies are still many people's favourite way to enjoy their fruits and vegetables. Personally I prefer eating fruits and vegetables in their natural shape. Still, occasionally I enjoy a tasty smoothie or squeezed orange or grapefruit juice. I will write a few sentences about the way of drinking smoothies because I know that many people never thought about it.
If you make a smoothie from e.g. a banana, quarter of pineapple, 50 grams of spinach, 2-3 apples, 1-2 pears and a slice of celery, it is not something you will simply throw into your stomach just because it's liquid. Think about the amount of time that would take you to chew all these fruits and vegetables. Digestion starts in your mouth, where enzymes from saliva start breaking down the molecules of food. Amylase from saliva breaks down the starch to some less complex sugars.
When you drink a smoothie (and actually you are eating it, you only skipped the chewing part), try to keep it in your mouth as long as possible. Let it spread all over your tongue's surface so you can experience all the tastes. Take smaller sips rather than swallowing big amounts without even tasting it. That way your body will get the best chance to use it.

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