Saturday, 21 May 2016

rezanci s umakom od špinata

{za 1 osobu}

1 tikvica
1 srednji batat
3 šake mladog špinata
šaka svježih listova peršina
1 mali češanj češnjaka
1 mali mladi luk
malo ružmarina
malo origana
nekoliko indijskih oraščića (opcija)
malo suhog delikatesnog kvasca (opcija)
malo himalajske soli ili sušenog celera u prahu

Tikvicu i batat izrežite u rezance pomoću gulilice za povrće (ili spiralizatora ako ga imate). Tikvicu gulite dok ne dođete do sredine s košticama - taj dio ostavite za umak. Rezance od batata skuhajte na pari 2 minute, ili ubacite u vrelu vodu na nekoliko minuta i izvadite. Pomiješajte sa sirovim rezancima od tikvice.
Izblendajte sredinu tikvice sa špinatom, češnjakom, mladim lukom, peršinom, ružmarinom i začinima. Ako želite kremastiji sos, dodajte i nekoliko indijskih oraščića i sve skupa dobro izblendajte.
Prelijte umak preko rezanaca i promiješajte.

i još/
Batat se može jesti i sirov, ali ja ga volim malo skuhati jer je onda puno lakše probavljiv. Eksperimentirajte pa vidite kako vam najbolje odgovara.


zucchini and sweet potato noodles with spinach sauce

{for 1 person}

1 zucchini
1 sweet potato
3 handfuls of young spinach 
a handful of fresh parsley leaves
1 small garlic clove
1 small green onion
a bit of rosemary
a bit of oregano
couple of cashews (optional)
a bit of dried nutritional yeast (optional)
a pinch of himalayan salt or ground dried celery leaves

Make noodles from zucchini and sweet potato using a simple vegetable peeler, or a vegetable spiralizer if you have one. Peel the zucchini until you reach the middle part that contains seeds - save that part for the sauce. Steam-cook the sweet potato noodles for 2 minutes, or cook them for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Take them out and mix them with raw zucchini noodles.
Blend what is left of zucchini with spinach and the rest of the ingredients into a smooth sauce. Cashews add some extra creaminess to it, and nutritional yeast adds a bit of a cheesy flavour. 
Pour the sauce on top of the noodles and mix it a bit to spread.

Sweet potatoes can be eaten raw, but I prefer to steam them just a bit, because it makes them much easier to digest. Experiment and see what works best for you.

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