Sunday, 2 October 2016

ideja za ručak

Marinirani batati pečeni u pećnici, kuhana crvena leća s rajčicom i začinima, palačinke od slanutka i blitve, cvjetača kratko kuhana na pari i zelena salata. Super ručak bez ulja i žitarica, bogat proteinima za proteinoljupce, bogat i zelenjem jer zelenje je divno.

Da vam ovdje opisujem samo sirove ručkove, gledali biste slike 2 nara, 4 jabuke i glavice salate skoro svaki dan. To znate i sami oprati i narezati... Zato sam odlučila ubaciti više ideja za kuhanu hranu, možda nekoga motivira da se krene zdravije hraniti kada vidi koliko je jednostavno i ukusno.

Za ovo jelo trebat će vam batati, leća, blitva, brašno od slanutka ili mljeveni slanutak, cvjetača, zelena salata, soja sos, bijelo vino (opcija) i tandori masala ili neki drugi začin po želji. Količine su dosta proizvoljne i prilagodljive vlastitim potrebama, pa se neću ni pokušavati sjetiti koliko sam čega stavljala.

(prebrzo smo pojeli da bih bolje pofotkala)

Narežite batate i poredajte u plitku, široku posudu. Prelijte mješavinom soja sosa, bijelog vina (1:1) i tandori masale. Po potrebi dodajte i malo vode, tako da tekućina prekriva komade batata. Ostavite da se mariniraju preko noći u hladnjaku, ili barem nekoliko sati na sobnoj temperaturi. Izvadite iz marinade i stavite u hladnu pećnicu, uključite na 180 °C i pecite dok ne omekšaju iznutra (oko 20-30 minuta; ovisi o pećnici).

Crvena leća je mekana i nije ju potrebno namakati prije kuhanja. Treba joj oko 15-20 minuta da se skuha. Ako koristite zelenu leću, dobro ju je namočiti u vodi s malo octa oko 4 sata prije kuhanja - na taj način će se smanjiti količina antinutrijenata, a vrijeme kuhanja će biti oko 20 minuta. Stavite leću u lončić, prelijte tekućinom u kojoj ste marinirali batate i dodajte vode da bude oko 1 cm iznad razine leće. Ubacite narezanu rajčicu i stavite kuhati. Kada proključa, smanjite vatru i ostavite da se kuha dok leća ne omekša. Ukoliko bude potrebno, tijekom kuhanja dodajte još malo vode.

U blenderu izmiksajte listove blitve, brašno od slanutka, vodu i malo soli u homogenu smjesu gustoće kao za palačinke. Stavite tavu na vatru da se zagrije i izlijevajte smjesu kao da radite obične palačinke. Kada palačinka odozgo više nije sirova, možete ju okrenuti. Ako imate tavu za koju se smjesa ne lijepi (a danas su valjda sve tave takve..), sasvim je jednostavno ispeći bilo što bez ulja.

Narežite cvjetaču i skuhajte na pari. Ja ju kuham sasvim kratko, oko minutu, ponekad i kraće, tako da bude skoro sirova. sve ovo dobro ide zelena salata ili neko drugo svježe mekano zelenje. Sve skupa jako jednostavno i jako ukusno :o)


an idea for a lunch

Marinated oven-baked sweet potatoes, cooked red lentils with tomatoes and spices, chickpea and green chard pancakes, shortly steamed cauliflower and fresh green lettuce. Great lunch with no oils or grains. Rich in protein for all you protein lovers out there; rich in greens because greens are life.

If I posted only my raw lunches here on this blog, you would probably get bored really quickly because they look something like this: 2 pomegranates, 4 apples and a head of lettuce. That's why I decided to post more ideas for cooked vegan food, maybe it motivates someone to start eating healthier when they see how simple and tasty it can be.

For this dish you will need sweet potatoes, lentils, green chard, chickpea flour or ground chickpeas, cauliflower, green lettuce, soy sauce, white wine and tandori masala or another spice of choice. All the quantities are up to your choice and it can't really be messed up that easily, so I won't even try to remember how much of which ingredient I put. Improvisation is good :o)

sweet potatoes_
Slice the sweet potatoes and place them inside a wide dish/container/tray. Prepare the marinade by mixing soy sauce and white wine (1:1) and adding tandori masala inside. Pour the marinade over sweet potatoes and add some water if needed, so that the liquid covers the sweet potatoes. Leave them to marinate overnight in the fridge or at least for a few hours at room temperature. Take the marinated sweet potatoes out, place them on a baking tray and put in a cold oven. Turn the oven on to 180 °C and bake until sweet potatoes soften a bit on the inside (around 20-30 minutes).

Red lentils are tender and they don't need to be soaked prior to cooking. Cooking time is around 15-20 minutes. If you choose to use green lentils, they need to be soaked for 4 hours before cooking, to soften a bit and reduce the antinutrient levels in them. When soaked, they take around 20 minutes to cook. Put the lentils in a pot together with the marinade that's left from soaking sweet potatoes, pour water over them (~1 cm above the lentils), add the chopped tomatoes and bring it to boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer until the lentils are soft. If it gets dry too soon, add some more water while cooking.

Put some green chard leaves, chickpea flour, water and a bit of salt into a blender and blend until smooth. The mixture should have a consistency of a pancake batter.  Pour the batter into a heated non-sticking pan (I don't use any oil and it is perfectly easy to make them), wait until the pancake no longer looks raw on top and turn it on the other side.

Just steam it! I do it for a minute or even less, so that it stays crunchy and almost raw.

...add some lettuce or other fresh greens and serve. That simple and so delicious. Enjoy!

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