Sunday, 18 November 2018

kruh od pirovog brašna s pivom

Da se nadovežem na prošli post... Kruh od kiselog tijesta je divna stvar, ali nemojte misliti da ga svaki dan veselo mijesim i bedirati se zato što vi ne stignete tako nešto. Zapravo je istina da u zadnje vrijeme posebno rijeko radim kiselo tijesto jer puno putujem, a kiselo tijesto zahtijeva dozu predanosti, strpljenja, ljubavi, vremena, i poželjno je da ste dulje na jednom mjestu kako biste mogli redovito odvajati i hraniti starter (on može stajati u frižideru ali kada ga vratite na sobnu temperaturu, opet mu treba neko vrijeme da se aktivira). Kada nemate vremena za raditi kiselo tijesto, kruh sa sodom bikarbonom može biti dobra brzinska zamjena. Žitarice koje nisu prethodno fermentirane ili proklijale nisu idealna hrana za čovjeka, ali ne moramo se uvijek niti hraniti idealno; neuzrujavanje oko toga da nam prehrana bude uvijek savršena (dakle izostanak jednog faktora koji potencijalno uzrokuje stres) isto vodi do zdravlja. Uostalom, ovakav kruh je i dalje hranjiv i napravljen od cjelovitih namirnica, i sigurna sam da bi ga neki nazvali potpuno zdravim. Zato, ako vam se već jede sendvič ili avokado tost, najbolje je da uživate u njemu bez grižnje savijesti.. recimo uz ovaj kruh od pira i pive.

2 i 1/3 šalice pirovog brašna iz cijelog zrna
1 šalica pive
2 jušne žlice maslinovog ulja (opcija)
2 jušne žlice jabučnog octa
1/2 čajne žlice sode bikarbone
1 čajna žlica himalajske soli
1 jušna žlica datuljinog sirupa

Pomiješajte sve suhe sastojke u jednoj posudi, a mokre/tekuće u drugoj. Ulijte tekuće sastojke u posudu sa suhima i nježno izmiješajte gumenom spatulom. Pazite da ne miješate pregrubo i prebrzo je biste mogli ostati bez meke i prozračne teksture kada kruh bude pečen. Prebacite tijesto u kalup za pečenje i pecite 45-50 minuta na 190 °C. Pečeni kruh ostavite da se hladi zamotan u krpu kako bi ostao mekan.


spelt & beer soda bread

After sharing a simple recipe/idea for breakfast toast, I think that I should give you an alterntive to sourdough bread, because not everybody wants to dedicate so much time to fermenting dough (although it is such a beautiful, magical thing). I love sourdough and find it the ideal way to make bread, but I don't really make it that often anymore. For sourdough you need a nice dose of dedication, patience, love, time, and it is desirable that you stay at the same place for some time to be able to separate and feed the starter regularly to make that beautiful dough so amazing and fluffy and nicely fermented. I've been traveling and moving a lot for last years and I never know how long am I going to stay at a certain place, so I had to neglect my dear sourdough for now. Instead, I've been making spelt flour soda breads. They are unbelievably quick and easy to make - you just whip it up from a few ingredients, put it in the oven and bake for 30-60 minutes. It is not the same thing as sourdough health-wise because here you don't include fermentation in the process and fermentation is the thing that connects cereals and human diet.. but we don't always need to eat perfect food. Not stressing about every single thing that you consume is also a way to health, assuming that you consume things in moderation. Besides, this bread will still be nutritious and made from whole-food ingredients and I'm sure that some would say that it's super-healthy. So, if you get an occasional desire to eat a sandwich or avocado toast, you should enjoy it without feeling guilty.. say, with this spelt flour and beer soda bread.

2 + 1/3 cup whole-grain spelt flour
1 cup beer
2 tbsp olive oil (optional)
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar or over-fermented water kefir
1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda
1 tsp himalayan salt
1 tbsp date syrup

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Combine all the wet ingredients in another dish. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with dry ones and stir slowly and gently with a rubber spatula. Be careful not to stir too roughly because you might lose the soft and fluffy texture. Transfer the dough into a baking mould and bake it on 190 °C for 45-50 minutes. Let the bread dry in a kitchen cloth to stay soft.

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