Sunday, 25 October 2020

dumplings s gljivama i tikvom


1 šalica bijelog pirovog brašna

1/3 šalice vode

1/2 čajne žličice himalajske soli

1 šalica bundeve ili hokaido tikve narezane na kockice

1 šalica narezanih gljiva*

1 jušna žlica soja sosa

* ja sam koristila sunčanice i crne trube koje smo skupili dan ranije u šumi, ali možete koristiti bilo koje druge gljive


Pomiješajte brašno i sol u zdjeli. Zagrijte vodu do vrenja, pa je ulijte u zdjelu s brašnom i dobro promiješajte pomoću žlice ili vilice. Nastavite miješati dok se tijesto ne ohladi dovoljno da se može mijesiti rukama, pa ga dobro izmijesite. Ostavie tijesto da se ohladi zamotano u vrećicu ili povoštanu krpu (nešto u čemu neće gubiti vlagu), stavite u hladnjak i pustite da se hladi još barem pola sata. Ja ga često napravim večer prije pa ostavim da se hladi preko noći - tako ga bude lakše valjati tanko i oblikovati. Za punjenje, kratko zapecite gljive i bundevu u pećnici na 200 °C kako bi bundeva malo omekšala, a gljive izgubile dio vlage. Ostavite da se sve potpuno ohladi, pa narežite gljive na sitno, zgnječite bundevu vilicom, dodajte soja sos i pomiješajte sve skupa. Razvaljajte tijesto na tanko, izrežite ga na oblike po želji i napunite punjenjem od gljiva i bundeve. dobro zatvorite krajeve kako punjenje ne bi ispalo kod kuhanja. Kuhajte knedlice oko 3 minute na pari. Poslužite uz soja sos pomiješan s narezanim chilijem i(li) mladim lukom.

Dobar tek!



mushroom and squash dumplings


1 cup white spelt flour

1/3 cup water

1/2 tsp himalayan salt

1 cup pumpkin or red kuri squash, cubed

1 cup chopped mushrooms*

1 tbsp soy sauce

* I used parasol and black trumpet mushrooms that we foraged in the woods the day before, but you can use any mushrooms that you like


Mix the flour with salt in a bowl. Bring 1/3 cup water to a boil and pour it into the bowl with flour. Mix well with a fork or a spoon, and when the dough has cooled enough, knead it with your hands. The longer you kneed, the nicer dough texture you will get. Let the dough cool down a bit more wrapped in a plastic bag or a wax wrap (something that will protect it from losing moisture). Put the dough in a fridge and let it cool for at least another half an hour. I like to make it the evening before and let it cool in the fridge overnight. That way it is easier to roll and shape. For the filling, bake the squash and mushrooms in an oven on 200 °C until the squash gets tender and mushrooms lose some moisture (around 15 minutes). Let it cool completely. Dice the mushrooms and crush the squash. Add some soy sauce and mix everything. Roll out the dough and cut it into preferred shapes. Put the filling on the dough and close the ends well. Steam-cook the dumplings for around 3 minutes. Serve with soy sauce mixed with some fresh chilli and spring onions. 

Bon appétit!

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