Sunday, 28 February 2016

fermentirani sir od suncokreta

Ovo je samo nastavak na recept za jogurt od orašastih plodova ali napisat ću sve otpočetka tako da imate sve na jednom mjestu.

1 šalica suncokretovih sjemenki
1-2 šake indijskih oraščića (opcija - daju super okus)
2/3 - 1 šalica vode
1 jušna žlica tibicos kefirnih zrnaca
1 (nepuna) jušna žlica muscovado šećera (nećete vi jesti šećer, kefirni mikroorganizmi će ga jesti)
nekoliko kapi limunovog soka

Suncokretove sjemenke i indijske oraščiće namočite 8 sati u vodi i procijedite. Dobro ih izblendajte s 2/3 šalice vode (po potrebi dodajte još malo vode ako je jako gusto - treba biti kremasto ali ne pregusto), šećerom, malo limunovog soka i kefirnim zrncima. Ako imate blender koji se jako zagrijava dok dulje radi, onda izblendajte sve osim kefirnih zrnaca, pričekajte da se smjesa ohladi i zatim dodajte kefirna zrnca i kratko izblendajte sve skupa. Ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi u lagano pokrivenoj (ne potpuno zatvorenoj) staklenci 1-2 dana, odnosno dok ne fermentira do željenog okusa. Smjesa bi trebala postati puna mjehurića i imati okus jogurta. Kada je gotovo, dobro izmiješajte žlicom i sada imate gusti jogurt ili krem-sir i možete ga i tako pojesti ili upotrijebiti u nekom kolaču. Da biste dobili čvršći sir, prebacite smjesu u cjediljku prekrivenu kuhinjskom krpom ili nekoliko slojeva gaze i oslonjenu na nekakvu zdjelu i [1] ostavite u hladnjaku barem nekoliko dana i voda će se ocijediti u zdjelu a sir očvrsnuti ILI [2] stavite u dehidrator na 46 °C oko 6 sati. Nakon nekoliko sati će već biti moguće izvaditi sir iz krpe pa ga možete staviti samog na policu dehidratora da se lakše suši. Po želji posipajte sir začinima i čuvajte u hladnjaku.


fermented sunflower seed cheese

This is very similar to the almond yogurt recipe, but I will write it all here again so that you have it in one place.

1 cup sunflower seeds
1-2 handful cashews (optional, but they give amazing taste and creaminess)
2/3 - 1 cup water
1 tbsp tibicos / water kefir grains
1 (not full) tbsp muscovado sugar (you won't be eating the sugar, your kefir microorganisms will)
a few drops of lemon juice

Soak the sunflower seeds and cashews in water for 8 hours and strain. Blend them well with 2/3 cup water (if needed, add some more water, it should be creamy, not too thick). If you have a high-speed blender that heats a lot when it works, add the kefir grains after the mixture is properly blended and cooled a bit and then blend everything again just a bit, so it doesn't heat the grains too much. Leave this mixture at a room temperature in a lightly covered jar for 1-2 days, or until it ferments to desired taste. The mixture should grow a bit, get bubbly and taste like yogurt. When it is ready, mix it well with a spoon (or even in a blender) and now you have a thick yogurt or cream cheese. You can eat it just like that or use in a cake. To get a thicker cheese that you can cut in slices and eat with crackers, pour the mixture into a strainer with a cheesecloth or kitchen cloth in it, put a bowl under it and [1] leave it in the fridge for at least a couple of days and let the water (''whey'') strain into a bowl OR [2] put it in a dehydrator on 46 °C for about 6 hours. After a few hours it will already be possible to remove the cheese from the cloth and put on dehydrator shelf - that will make the drying process quicker and more even. When it is dehydrated, you can sprinkle the cheese with some spices. Store it in the fridge.

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