Friday, 16 December 2016

nešto kao veganska wonton juha

Braćo ljudi, moram nešto priznati... Jedem ovu juhu skoro svaki dan već tjedan dana. Inače nemam naviku jesti pir i mahunarke svaki dan, ali ovo mi tako dobro sjeda! Napravila sam hrpu "knedlica" (dumplinga) i zamrznula ih i sada ih samo ubacim u vrelu vodu na par minuta, kada su kuhane dodam povrće i soja sos i imam gotov ručak u 6 minuta ravno.


za tijesto_
1 čaša integralnog pirovog brašna
1 čaša rižinog brašna (ili malo manje)
1/2 čajne žličice himalajske soli
2/3 čaše vode

za punjenje_
2/3 čaše kuhanog slanutka
2/3 čaše kuhane zelene leće
1 glavica luka
3 režnja češnjaka
1/2 - 1 čajna žličica mljevenih sjemenki kima
1 - 2 čajne žličice slatke crvene paprike u prahu
1 - 2 jušne žlice soja sosa ili malo soli
~ 1/2 čaše vode od kuhanja leće ili slanutka, po potrebi i malo više
~ 1 čaša mljevenih zobenih pahuljica
1 jušna žlica mljevenih lanenih sjemenki

za juhu_
"knedlice" s punjenjem od leće i slanutka
povrće po želji (brokula/špinat/blitva, mladi luk, bamija)
soja sos


Zagrijte vodu do vrenja. Pomiješajte pirovo i rižino brašno i sol, pa polako dolijevajte vodu uz miješanje vilicom ili kuhačom. Izmiješajte što bolje, a kada se smjesa malo ohladi, nastavite mijesiti rukama. Pokušajte mijesiti što dulje, kako biste dobili glatko tijesto. Ako je tijesto još uvijek jako ljepljivo, možete ga ostaviti neko vrijeme zamotano u krpu ili vrećicu da se ohladi, pa nastaviti mijesiti. Zamotajte tijesto u kuhinjsku krpu i ostavite da odstoji 15-30 minuta na hladnom mjestu. Nakon što je odstajalo, možete ga narezati na komadiće jednake veličine, koje ćete valjati u takne kružne oblike kako biste u njih zamotali punjenje od leće i slanutka. Dok valjate jedan komad tijesta, ostale ostavite prekrivene krpom kako se ne bi osušili na zraku.

Kuhanu leću i kuhani slanutak, skupa s malo vode od kuhanja, izgnječite u kašu ili izblendajte štapnim mikserom. Dodajte začine, narezani luk i češnjak, zobene pahuljice i lan, i sve dobro promiješajte. Ostavite da odstoji barem 5 minuta, kako bi zob i lan apsorbirali vodu. Oblikujte male kuglice kojima ćete puniti razvaljano tijesto.

U kipuću vodu ubacite "knedlice" s filom od slanutka i leće i pustite ih da se kuhaju oko 5 minuta. Zatim zgasite vatru i ubacite narezano povrće, dodajte malo soja sosa i poklopite na minutu kako bi povrće malo omekšalo.
Ostatak knedlica možete zamrznuti i koristiti bilo kada za brzinski ručak- samo ih tako zamrznute ubacite u kipuću vodu, čekate da isplivaju i kuhate ih još nekoliko minuta.


something like a vegan wonton soup

I have to admit that, despite my preferences towards grain-free, legume-free, mostly raw food (just my personal preference, that's all!), I've been enjoying this hot soup with dumplings almost every day for a week! I am still not bored with it and would happily continue eating it every day, it's just that I've already used all the dumplings that I had made and frozen a week ago, and there was a plenty of them. It was that good.


spelt wrappers_
1 cup whole grain spelt flour
1 cup rice flour (or a bit less)
1/2 tsp Himalayan or sea salt
2/3 cup water

2/3 cup cooked chickpeas
2/3 cup cooked green lentils
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves
1/2 - 1 tsp ground cumin seeds
1 - 2 tsp ground red sweet pepper
1 - 2 tbsp soy sauce or some salt
~ 1/2 cup water from cooking lentils or chickpeas (+ some more if needed)
~ 1 cup ground oatmeal
1 tbsp ground flax seeds

spelt flour dumplings filled with chickpea and lentil paste
seasonal vegetables of choice (broccoli/spinach/chard, green onion, okra)
soy sauce


spelt wrappers_
Mix the spelt flour, rice flour and salt in a bowl and pour 2/3 cup of boiling water over it. Mix it well with a cooking spoon, and when it's cooled down enough to be handled, start kneading it with your hands. If it is still very sticky, you can knead it only a bit, set it aside until it cools down (wrapped in a kitchen cloth or a plastic bag), and then continue kneading until you get a smooth dough. After kneading, let it rest for 15-30 minutes wrapped in a cloth or a plastic bag. Cut it in equal pieces and roll them into 2 mm thick, round wrappers that you will use to wrap the chickpea and lentil filling. The pieces of the dough that you are not currently working with should be covered with a kitchen cloth, to prevent them from drying out in the air.

Mix all the ingredients in a food processor or with a stick mixer (no need for a high-speed blender, as it will make the mixture too homogeneous). Let it sit for at least 5 minutes, as oats and flax seeds will absorb some water. Shape the mixture into small balls and wrap them in spelt wrappers to make the dumplings.

Bring water to boil, add the dumplings and let them cook for around 5 minutes. Turn the heat off and add some soy sauce and chopped vegetables (choose the young, soft, seasonal ones). Put the lid on and let it sit for a few minutes until the vegetables soften a bit.
You can freeze the rest of the dumplings and save them for later - they will make a perfect quick lunch for those days when you are in a hurry and out of ideas. It takes literally 6 minutes to make this soup when you already have the frozen dumplings. The cooking process is the same - just put them (frozen, just like that) into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes or a bit more. Add the veggies and that's it!

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