Saturday 17 October 2015

ali moja kuhinja

Nemam dobar mikser niti blender niti multipraktik ali ništa zato.
Trenutačno stanujem u Portugalu i kupila sam si plastični blender za 19 eura i štapni mikser za 10 eura (to je bilo najjeftinije što sam našla). To je sve što imam ali snalazim se.

kako i što ako/
Ako imate dobar blender ili multipraktik/sjeckalicu, možete jako brzo raditi sirove kolače. Samo pobacate sve sastojke unutra i izmiksate ih u homogenu smjesu. Ako nemate, pokušajte se snaći sa sljedećim pomagalima: mlinac za kavu, jeftini blender, štapni mikser.
I tvrdo povrće kao što je mrkva ili celer moguće je izmiksati štapnim mikserom ako ga prethodno naribate. Namočene grožđice također.
Ako želte nešto dehidrirati, po ljeti se poslužite Suncem, a po zimi radijatorom ili peći. Ako se osjećate rastrošno, pećnica na 50°C s lagano odškrinutim vratima (čak i ako nema ventilaciju) može obaviti posao.

na primjer/
Radite kolač s namočenom heljdom i orašastim plodovima. Heljda je već dovoljno mekana i moguće ju je usitniti štapnim mikserom ili čak vilicom ali želite samljeti orašaste plodove. Budući da ste ih prvo namočili 8 sati, oni su sada relativno mekani i lako je raditi s njima. Možete ih staviti u blender, dodati vodu i miksati 20-30 sekundi (pretpostavimo da ovo sve radite jer imate jako slabi blender koji ne može raditi bez vode a niti tada ne usitni smjesu za 30 sekundi). Zatim procijediti kroz platnenu vrećicu i popiti ili spremiti ukusnu i zdravu tekućinu koja izađe iz njih (''mlijeko'' od orašastih plodova). Usitnjene orašaste plodove pokupiti iz vrećice i staviti u zdjelu zajedno s heljdom i ostalim sastojcima, sve izmiksati štapnim mikserom.


oh but my kitchen

I don't have a good blender but it's nothing to worry about.
At the moment I am living in Portugal and I just bought the cheapest things I could find - a plastic blender for 19 euro and a stick mixer for 10 euro. That is all I have but it works pretty well.

how and what if/
If you have a good blender or food processor, you can make raw cakes very quickly and easily. Just put all the ingredients inside and blend them well into a homogeneous mixture. However, if you don't have it, you may want to try with some of these kitchen helpers: coffee grinder, cheap blender, stick mixer.
Carrots and celery roots can be easily processed with a stick mixer if you first grate them. Soaked raisins are soft enough for a stick mixer as well.
If you want to dehydrate something, you can use the Sun in the summer or a room heater in the winter, if you use one. Oven can also do the job, just put it on minimum heat (usually 50°C) and don't close the door completely. It is good if the oven has ventilation, but doesn't matter if you don't have that option, it will still do the trick.

for example/
You are making a cake with soaked buckwheat and nuts. The buckwheat is already soft enough to process with a stick mixer or even with a fork, but you want to grind the nuts and it's impossible. Here is what I do. Since the soaked nuts are pretty soft, they are easy to work with. I place them in this plastic blender form the picture and add about 400 mL of water. I grind them like that for 20-30 seconds and then strain the mixture through a cotton bag or a cheesecloth. The liquid that comes out is really tasty and healthy (it is nut ''milk'') so you can drink it right away or store it in the fridge for a few days. What is left in the cotton bag are pretty finely chipped nuts. Now you can place them in a bowl with the buckwheat and the rest of the ingredients and mix it all with the stick mixer.

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