Wednesday 25 November 2015

o voću i povrću

Što da jedem?

Svrha sočnih plodova je da budu primamljivi životinjama za jelo - to je mehanizam koji neke biljke koriste za rasprostranjivanje svojih sjemenki. Sazrijevanje plodova je proces tijekom kojega dolazi do razgradnje staničnih stijenki, hidrolize škroba u jednostavnije šećere, razgradnje organskih kiselina itd., što čini plod mirisnijim, mekšim, slađim, lakše probavljivim i sve u svemu pogodnijim i zdravijim za jelo. Zrelo voće zato nije teško prepoznati - u većini slučajeva je mekano, mirisno i slatko. Znam mnogo ljudi koji kažu da vole okus hrskave i kisele nezrele jabuke, breskve i zelene banane. Ali takvog voća čovjek ne može pojesti puno jer je teško za probavni sustav i tijelu treba puno energije da ga razgradi. Zrelo voće vam može biti glavna hrana u životu. Hura!

Glupo se osjećam pišući tu riječ budući da je to zapravo pravi prirodni način bilo kakvog uzgoja i to bi trebalo biti normalno. Ali danas živimo u takvom svijetu gdje je to potrebno naglašavati jer sve više hrane koja nam je dostupna (pogotovo u gradovima) dolazi iz velikih pogona koji nisu fer niti prema prirodi niti prema čovjeku (namjerno nisam napisala čovjeka kao dio prirode jer davno se otkačio - ako je čovjek dio prirode u punom smislu onda bi i tvornice i automobili i plastika bili prirodni a to je neka šira definicija prirode, da ne ulazim sad u filozofije.. ovdje govorim o ponašanju prema prirodi koje nije destruktivno). Kada god možete, birajte hranu koja je uzgojena na zdrav način, bez kemikalija i na način koji poštuje prirodu i održivost.

lokalno i sezonsko/
Jer uvozno je najčešće bezokusno, ubrano prerano, siromašno nutrijentima, špricano tko zna čime, trebalo je nekako preživjeti transport, ma znate to sve. Kupiš breskve u supermarketu, tvrde su jako dugo, a kad napokon ''sazriju'' nemaju nikakvog okusa, ako uopće stignu sazreti prije nego što istrule. Jadne breskve. A i pitanje je koga i kakav način proizvodnje čovjek podržava kupujući hranu. Ako jako volite neko voće i želite ga jesti izvan sezone radije kupite na placu kad mu je sezona pa zamrznite u zamrzivaču. Ili osušite.

fairtrade i ostalo/
Ako jedete samo lokalno i sezonsko onda naravno da ne morate puno razmišljati o ovome ali pretpostavljam da većina ljudi ne jede 100% lokalno i sezonsko. Dobro, sumnjam da se većina vas koji ovo sad čitate svakodnevno davi u bananama i ananasima ali ako to radite dobro je istražiti otkuda dolaze. Preporučam da guglate 'banana production', pa onda 'pineapple production', pa onda cocoa/cacao production' (možete za sve što ne dolazi iz područja na kojem živite) i pročešljate malo (na primjer u ovom smjeru: 'monoculture', 'human labour', 'pesticides', 'toxic chemicals') čisto radi vlastite informiranosti o onome što jedete. Nažalost plodovi prirode s fairtrade naljepnicom su u Hrvatskoj dosta skupi. Svatko ima svoje prioritete, želje i mogućnosti u skladu s kojima sudjeluje u ovom svijetu.

pa dobro kako onda/
: GSR. Grupe solidarne razmjene su super stvar. Pokušajte naći (ili čak oformiti ako ste dovoljno motivirani) neku u vašoj blizini, saznajte na koji način vaši dobavljači proizvode voće i povrće, tu se uglavnom radi o povjerenju a ne o certifikatu.
: Plac. Nađite tko prodaje domaće i kome vjerujete. Danas ljudi često špricaju sve živo pa domaće ne mora uvijek značiti zdravo i nešpricano. Ali mislim da ne treba niti provesti život u strahu i opterećivanju pa tako ako niste sigurni za neko voće ili povrće je li čisto ili tretirano, stavite ga u lavor vode sa sodom bikarbonom i octom, pustite da odstoji malo i dobro isperite. Tako ćete isprati većinu kemikalija.
: Bio - dućani. Certifikat košta, pa tko ima para, super. Ja recimo nemam baš pa kupujem na placu ili preko GSR-a. Ponekad se počastim chia sjemenkama, maca prahom ili dobrim datuljama ali tako nešto niti ne treba kupovati često jer jednom kad kupiš, dugo traje.
: Vrt. Ako imate veliko dvorište, posadite vrt, najslađe je jesti plodove biljaka za koje ste se sami brinuli i pričali s njima, pjevali im ili što već radite dok ste u vrtu.


what to eat?

The purpose of juicy fruits is to be attractive to animals that eat them - that is a natural mechanism that some plants use for their seed distribution. Ripening of a fruit is a process which includes many chemical reactions: decomposition of cell walls, hydrolysis of starch into more simple sugars, decomposition of organic acids and many others. That makes the fruit more fragrant, softer, sweeter, more easily digestible and all in all  more convenient and healthier to eat. It is not hard to recognize ripe fruits - in most cases they are soft, fragrant and sweet. I know a lot of people who say that they like the taste and texture of a crunchy unripe apple or a green banana. But a human cannot eat much of such fruits because it is too heavy for the digestive system and body needs a lot of energy to digest it. On the other hand, ripe fruits can be your main food every day.

I feel a bit stupid even writing that word since it is in fact the only real natural way of any food production and it should be something normal. But today we are living in a world where you need to stress out when something is ''organic'' because more and more food that is available to us (especially in the cities) comes from big drives that are not fair towards nature or people (I intentionally wrote people apart from nature and won't go into philosophy about it). Whenever you can, choose food that is produced in a healthy way, without chemicals and in a way that respects the nature and sustainability.

local and seasonal/
Because imported fruits are usually tasteless, picked from the plant too early, poor in nutrients, sprayed with who knows what, had to be in shape to survive all that transportation, but you know all that.. You buy peaches in a supermarket, they are very hard for a long time, and when they finally get softer they don't have any taste and often go bad without even ripening. Poor peaches. And also there is a question whom and what way of food production is a person supporting by buying food. If you really like some fruits and want to eat them when it's not their natural season, buy them at the farmers' market and save in a freezer, or dehydrate.

fair-trade and other things/
If you eat only local and seasonal then of course you don't have to worry about these things. But I am sure that a lot of people don't eat only local and seasonal. Some of the most common plants that are produced in mono-cultures or using intense and unfair human labour or using toxic chemicals (and that are in most of the world not local and seasonal but store shelves are crowded with them) are bananas, pineapples and cocoa/cacao. Google a bit about it. And also about soy and corn. Only to be a bit more informed about what you eat. Of course, everyone has their own priorities, wishes, needs and abilities that affect their participation and activity in this world.

then how/
: Farmers' market. Try to find people you trust. Today people have a habit to use a lot of chemicals, so homegrown doesn't always mean healthy. But I think that it is stupid to spend your life worrying and being stressed and compulsive about everything. If you are not sure if some fruits or vegetables are treated with chemicals or not, put them in a bowl of water with bicarbonate soda and vinegar, let them sit for a bit and then wash them well. That will remove most of the chemicals.
: Organic grocery. In my home country those shops are usually pretty expensive because the certificates are as well. That's why i don't shop there often,  only ocassionally I buy chia seeds, maca powder or some good dates, but anyway those are the things that last for a long time once you buy them.
: Garden. If you have a big yard (or even a small one), plant a garden. It is so nice to eat fruits of the plants that you planted yourself, took care of them, talked to them, sang to them or whatever you like to do when you are in the garden.

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