Sunday 18 October 2015

maslac od orašastih plodova

ili integralni sezam
ili bademi
ili nešto drugo

Maslac od orašastih plodova možete napraviti na više načina. Prvi je da ih samo sameljete u blenderu dok se ne pretvore u gustu razmazivu smjesu. Međutim, na taj način se ne uklanja fitinska kiselina iz njih. Drugi način je da ih se lagano poprži na tavi na najmanjoj vatri dok malo ne porumene (jako malo) i nakon toga ih se samelje u blenderu u maslac. Ovako ispadne jako ukusno i može trajati dugo u frižideru, samo što nije sirovo. Za sirovu varijantu najbolje ih je namočiti oko 8 sati u vodi s nekoliko kapi limunovog soka, procijediti i isprati malo, i izmiksati u blenderu u maslac.

i još/
Ovi ''maslaci'' su ukusni sami po sebi, ali može im se dodati kakao, slad, datulje ako želite slatki namaz ili malo himalajske soli i začina za slanu varijantu. Također se može dodati malo bučinog, kokosovog ili maslinovog ulja.


nut ''butter''

any nuts

There are more ways to make nuts into a nut butter. The first one is simply to grind them in a blender until they turn into a thick, smooth paste. However, that way you don't get rid of the phytic acid in them. Other way is to toast them just a bit on a frying pan on the smallest fire, just until they turn slightly golden. After that grind them into a smooth paste. This way you get a wonderful taste and it can last for quite a long time in the fridge. Still, the best way to do it and to keep them raw, is to soak them for about 8 hours and then grind them into a ''butter''.

These ''butters'' are tasty just like that, but if you want to be creative you can easily turn them into a sweet spread by adding a bit of cocoa, malt, dates etc. or a salty one by adding a bit of Himalayan salt and perhaps some pumpkin seed oil and spices.

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