Tuesday 1 December 2015

klice i klijanje

Sjemenka je struktura (a zapravo mlada dormantna biljka) koja sadrži biljni embrij u dormantnom stanju, dehidriran i opskrbljen svim potrebnim hranjivim tvarima koje će ga, nakon poticaja iz okoliša, hraniti i omogućiti njegov razvoj u mladu biljku. Klijanje je proces prelaska mlade biljke iz latentnog u aktivni oblik, pri čemu se aktiviraju brojni enzimi, škrob se razgrađuje na jenostavnije šećere, dolazi do razgradnje fitinske kiseline itd. To se događa kako bi mlada biljka dobila svu potrebnu energiju i minerale za prvu fazu svoga rasta i razvoja, dok još nije sposobna vršiti fotosintezu.

Klice su čovjeku prirodnija hrana nego suhe, dormantne sjemenke budući da su mnogo lakše probavljive, sadrže mnoge enzime, vitamine i minerale. Tijekom klijanja, razine vitanima A, nekih vitamina B skupine i vitamina C znatno se povećavaju. Razgradnja škroba iz sjemenki u procesu klijanja olakšava njihovu probavljivost, dok razgradnja fitinske kiseline olakšava apsorpciju minerala u probavnom sustavu čovjeka.

Kako bi dobile signal za početak klijanja (prekid dormancije), sjemenkama treba dati poticaj iz okoline - vodu. Zato, kako bismo potakli klijanje sjemenki, potrebno ih je namočiti u vodi. Vrijeme namakanja potrebno da se sjemenka aktivira i pripremi za proces klijanja varira od vrste do vrste, no u većini slučajeva nećete pogriješiti ako sjemenke ostavite da odstoje u vodi oko 6-8 sati te nakon toga procijedite. Za klijanje je najčešće potrebna temperatura između 18 i 25 °C, a sjemenke treba staviti na mjesto što dalje od direktnog sunčevog svjetla i redovito ispirati pod tekućom vodom.

na primjer/
Nedavno sam klijala mungo grah, pa ću napisati točno kako sam to napravila.
Sjemenke sam prvo ostavila da se namaču u vodi 8 sati pri sobnoj temperaturi, nakon čega sam ih procijedila, isprala i ostavila u cjediljci oslonjenoj na zdjelu. Stavila sam ih u ormarić u kuhinji kako bi bile u mraku i svakih 6-8 sati isprala pod tekućom vodom. Nakon dva dana, klice su bile duge oko 3-4 cm. Pri nižim temperaturama trebat će i 3-4 dana da bi postigle tu dujinu, ali možte ih jesti i ranije.
Osim mungo graha, često klijem heljdu, a ponekad i leću. Princip je isti, samo što je leću potrebno nešto kraće namakati, i ne treba čekati da klice toliko narastu. O heljdi ću detaljnije pisati u nekom od idućih postova.

i još/
Ne znam kako vi ali mene neka milina obuzme kad gledam biljke kako kliju. Ne možeš uzimati hranu zdravo za gotovo kada vidiš to rađanje života. Pa i kada čovjek sam posije biljke, brine o njima, prati njihov razvoj i kasnije bere njihove plodove, osjeća se zahvalno na tome. Da bar svi siju biljke, ne bi u Svemiru bilo pohlepe.
Laku noć!


sprouts and sprouting

Seed is a plant structure which contains a dormant plant embryo, dehydrated and supplied with all needed nutrients that will feed it and enable its development into a young plant after a certain signal from the environment. Sprouting is a process in which young plant changes from its latent form to an active one. In that process, numerous enzymes are activated, starch is broken down into simpler sugars, phytic acid is broken down etc. All that happens so that young plant gets all the energy and minerals it needs for the first stage of its growth and development, while it is still unable to photosynthesize.

Sprouts are more natural food for a human than dry, dormant seeds, since they are much more easily digestible and they contain numerous enzymes, vitamins and minerals that human body can use. During the process of sprouting, levels of vitamin A, some vitamins from B group and vitamin C get significantly elevated. Degradation of starch in the sprouting process makes the sprouts more easily digestible and degradation of phytic acid makes the mineral absorption in human intestine easier and more successful.

To start the sprouting process, seeds need a signal from the environment, and that signal is water. So, to induce sprouting, seeds need to be soaked in water. Time that is needed to activate a seed and make it ready for sprouting can vary form species to species, but in most cases you won't go wrong if you leave your seeds in water for 6-8 hours and then strain the water. Temperature needed for sprouting is usually between 18 and 25 °C. Seeds need to be placed as far as possible from the direct sunlight, as darkness is also a stimulant for faster growth of the sprout.

for example/
I recently sprouted mungo beans so I will write how I did it.
First I left the seeds to soak in water at room temperature for 8 hours. After that, I strained them, washed under running water and left in a strainer that was placed in a bowl. I put them inside of a kitchen closet so that they stay in the dark and rinsed them every 6-8 hours. After 2 days, sprouts were 3-4 cm long. At lower temperatures they will probably need more days to achieve that length but you can eat them before that too.
Except from mungo beans, I often sprout buckwheat and sometimes lentils, too. The procedure is similar. Lentils need less soaking and the sprouts can be eaten earlier, and sprouting buckwheat (also super-easy) will be a topic of some future post.

I don't know about you but I simply melt when I see plants sprouting. You can't take food for granted when you see such birth of new life. When you plant some plants, take care of them, watch them grow and later pick their fruits, you feel grateful for that. If only everybody planted, there wouldn't be any more greed in this Universe.
Good night!

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