Monday 29 February 2016

torta s višnjama i kokosom


1 šalica datulja
1 šalica proklijale heljde
1/2 šalice namočenih sezamovih sjemenki
1/2 šalice mljevenog rogača
2 jušne žlice kokosovog maslaca (=kokosa izblendanog skroz jako, dok ne pusti ulje)

1 šalica gustog kokosovog jogurta (rađenog po ovom receptu, samo s manje vode)
1/2 - 2/3 šalice namočenih suncokretovih sjemenki (a može i indijskih oraščića)
1 šalica višanja
1/2 šalice grožđica
1-2 jušne žlice kokosovog maslaca (^)

1 šalica ribanog sušenog kokosa
1/2 šalice namočenih indijskih oraščića
1/3 - 1/2 šalice vode
1/2 šalice zlatnih grožđica ili malo meda (opcija)

Za svaki od tri sloja izblendajte sve sastojke u blenderu i rasporedite smjesu u kalup za kolače. Po želji u srednji sloj dodajte i cijele višnje. Prije rezanja, ostavite kolač 2-3 sata u zamrzivaču.

što ako/


sour cherry-coconut cake


1 cup dates
1 cup sprouted buchwheat
1/2 cup soaked sesame seeds
1/2 cup ground carob
2 tbsp coconut butter (=you make it by grinding/blending shredded coconut for so long that it lets the oil out and becomes creamy)

1 cup thick coconut yogurt (made after this recipe but with less water)
1/2 - 2/3 cup soaked sunflower seeds (or cashews if you prefer)
1 cup sour cherries
1/2 cup raisins
1-2 tbsp coconut butter (^)

1 cup shredded dry coconut
1/2 cup soaked cashews
1/3 - 1/2 cup water
1/2 cup golden raisins or some honey (optional)

For each layer blend all the ingredients with a blender and spread the mixture in a cake mold. If desired, put some whole sour cherries in the middle layer as well. Before cutting in slices, leave the cake in a freezer for 2-3 hours.

what if/

Sunday 28 February 2016

fermentirani sir od suncokreta

Ovo je samo nastavak na recept za jogurt od orašastih plodova ali napisat ću sve otpočetka tako da imate sve na jednom mjestu.

1 šalica suncokretovih sjemenki
1-2 šake indijskih oraščića (opcija - daju super okus)
2/3 - 1 šalica vode
1 jušna žlica tibicos kefirnih zrnaca
1 (nepuna) jušna žlica muscovado šećera (nećete vi jesti šećer, kefirni mikroorganizmi će ga jesti)
nekoliko kapi limunovog soka

Suncokretove sjemenke i indijske oraščiće namočite 8 sati u vodi i procijedite. Dobro ih izblendajte s 2/3 šalice vode (po potrebi dodajte još malo vode ako je jako gusto - treba biti kremasto ali ne pregusto), šećerom, malo limunovog soka i kefirnim zrncima. Ako imate blender koji se jako zagrijava dok dulje radi, onda izblendajte sve osim kefirnih zrnaca, pričekajte da se smjesa ohladi i zatim dodajte kefirna zrnca i kratko izblendajte sve skupa. Ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi u lagano pokrivenoj (ne potpuno zatvorenoj) staklenci 1-2 dana, odnosno dok ne fermentira do željenog okusa. Smjesa bi trebala postati puna mjehurića i imati okus jogurta. Kada je gotovo, dobro izmiješajte žlicom i sada imate gusti jogurt ili krem-sir i možete ga i tako pojesti ili upotrijebiti u nekom kolaču. Da biste dobili čvršći sir, prebacite smjesu u cjediljku prekrivenu kuhinjskom krpom ili nekoliko slojeva gaze i oslonjenu na nekakvu zdjelu i [1] ostavite u hladnjaku barem nekoliko dana i voda će se ocijediti u zdjelu a sir očvrsnuti ILI [2] stavite u dehidrator na 46 °C oko 6 sati. Nakon nekoliko sati će već biti moguće izvaditi sir iz krpe pa ga možete staviti samog na policu dehidratora da se lakše suši. Po želji posipajte sir začinima i čuvajte u hladnjaku.


fermented sunflower seed cheese

This is very similar to the almond yogurt recipe, but I will write it all here again so that you have it in one place.

1 cup sunflower seeds
1-2 handful cashews (optional, but they give amazing taste and creaminess)
2/3 - 1 cup water
1 tbsp tibicos / water kefir grains
1 (not full) tbsp muscovado sugar (you won't be eating the sugar, your kefir microorganisms will)
a few drops of lemon juice

Soak the sunflower seeds and cashews in water for 8 hours and strain. Blend them well with 2/3 cup water (if needed, add some more water, it should be creamy, not too thick). If you have a high-speed blender that heats a lot when it works, add the kefir grains after the mixture is properly blended and cooled a bit and then blend everything again just a bit, so it doesn't heat the grains too much. Leave this mixture at a room temperature in a lightly covered jar for 1-2 days, or until it ferments to desired taste. The mixture should grow a bit, get bubbly and taste like yogurt. When it is ready, mix it well with a spoon (or even in a blender) and now you have a thick yogurt or cream cheese. You can eat it just like that or use in a cake. To get a thicker cheese that you can cut in slices and eat with crackers, pour the mixture into a strainer with a cheesecloth or kitchen cloth in it, put a bowl under it and [1] leave it in the fridge for at least a couple of days and let the water (''whey'') strain into a bowl OR [2] put it in a dehydrator on 46 °C for about 6 hours. After a few hours it will already be possible to remove the cheese from the cloth and put on dehydrator shelf - that will make the drying process quicker and more even. When it is dehydrated, you can sprinkle the cheese with some spices. Store it in the fridge.

Saturday 27 February 2016

sladoled s makom i limunovom korom

smrznute banane
mljevene sjemenke maka
naribana korica limuna
+ dobar blender ili barem multipraktik
za najbolji sladoled (ok, u top 4 sigurno)

poppy seed-lemon zest ice cream

frozen bananas
ground poppy seeds
shredded lemon peel
+ a strong blender (no cheating on this one)
for this creamy deliciousness

Friday 26 February 2016

štrudla s višnjom


10 jabuka
200 g višanja
cimet u prahu


8 jabuka izblendajte u homogenu smjesu i rasporedite na police dehdratora u pravokutnom obliku, u sloju debljine oko pola milimetra (meni su ispala 3 pravokutnika dimenzija cca 25x30 cm). Dehidrirajte oko 8 sati na 42°C, odnosno dok se ne osuši i može lako skinuti s podloge.
Dvije jabuke i 100 g višanja izblendajte zajedno i zatim u smjesu umiješajte 100 g cijelih višanja. Po želji dodajte malo cimeta. Dobivenu smjesu razmažite po dehidriranim ''korama'' od jabuke i zarolajte.

što ako/
Dehidrator blender kaj me sad---[link].
Višnje zamrznete ljeti kad ih ima previše da biste se mogli zimi ovako veseliti!

i još/
Ako želite mekanu štrudlu, neka odstoji malo. Dehidrirane kore će u početku biti žilave, ali već nakon par sati će omekšati jer će apsorbirati vodu iz smjese od svježh jabuka i višanja, tako da će se štrudla moći sasvim lako rezati i jesti vilicom (tko ne voli rukama).


sour cherry strudel


10 apples
200 g sour cherries
ground cinnamon


Blend 8 apples into a homogeneous mixture and spread evenly on dehydrator shelves in a 5 mm thick layer (I got 3 rectangles of cca 25x30 cm). Dehydrate for 8 hours on 42°C or until dry. Blend two apples and 100 g sour cherries together and add 100 g of whole sour cherries. Add a bit of cinnamon. Spread this mixture on the apple crust and roll it.

what if/
Fancy machines...[link].
If you ever have too many sour cherries in the summer, you can freeze them for colder days like today..

If you want the strudel to be soft and easily eaten with a fork (I heard that there are some people who don't like to eat with their hands), just leave it in the fridge for a few hours and the apple crust will absorb water from the juicy filling and get soft.

Sunday 21 February 2016

sirova pizza

(za 10-12 malih pizza)


1 šalica proklijale heljde
3/4 kg mrkve
1 velika tikvica
1/4 šalice lanenih sjemenki
malo himalajske soli (opcija)

:umak od rajčice
8-10 polovica sušenih rajčica
mala šaka grožđica
malo vode
svježe rajčice (opcija)

:nešto kao sir od suncokreta
1/2 šalice suncokretovih sjemenki
1/4 šalice indijskih oraščića
1/4 šalice sezama
sok 1 limuna
malo himalajske soli

10-15 dag šampinjona
1 mala tikvica
ili bilo kakvo povrće po želji


Izblendati proklijalu heljdu, mrkvu, tikvicu i lanene sjemenke (prethodno namočene sat vremena u malo vode kako bi nabubrile i pustile sluz); začiniti po želji (meni je bilo skroz dobro bez ičega). Rasporediti na police dehidratora u željenom obliku, ne pretanko da ne popuca kasnije. Dehidrirati oko 8 sati na 41 °C, po potrebi okrenuti na drugu stranu i dehidrirati još malo.

:umak od rajčice
Sušene rajčice i grožđice namočiti sat-dva u malo vode, dovoljno da ih prekrije. Ako je sezona rajčice, dodati i nekoliko svježih cherry rajčica i sve zajedno izblendati. Rasporediti umak po korama.

Namočiti suncokret, sezam i indijske oraščiće 6-8 sati, procijediti i isprati. Dodati limunov sok i po želji malo himalajske soli i izblendati u homogenu smjesu. Rasporediti po umaku od rajčice.

Dodati povrće po izboru. Ako želite šampinjonima (ili svemu skupa) malo pojačati okus, možete ih lagano začiniti soja sosom i sve skupa staviti u dehdrator na 46 °C na oko 15 minuta.

što ako/
[link] dehidrator, blender, mikser, nije frka.
Ja sam sve radila štapnim mikserom i super je bilo.
Ako imate par dana vremena i strpljenja da ova pizza bude umjetnost, možete umjesto lažnog sira napraviti fermentirani sir - malo dulje ostavite jogurt od badema da se cijedi kroz vrećicu, a možete ga malo i dehidrirati (cijeli recept za fermentirani sir ću objaviti uskoro).


raw pizza

(for 10-12 small pizzas)


1 cup sprouted buckwheat
3/4 kg carrot
1 big zucchini
1/4 cup flax seeds
a bit of himalayan salt (optional)

:tomato sauce
8-10 sun-dried tomato halves
small handful of raisins
a bit of water
fresh tomatoes (optional)

:sunlower seed cheese
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup cashews
1/4 cup sesame seeds
juice of 1 lemon
pinch of himalayan salt

10-15 dag mushrooms of choice
1 small zucchini
or any vegetables of your choice


Blend the sprouted buckwheat, carrot, zucchini and flax seeds (previously soaked in a bit of water for an hour) into a more or less homogeneous mixture. Add spices or salt if desired (I like it plain). Spread it on dehydrator shelves in a desired shape and keep on mind that it will get quite thin after dehydration. Dehydrate around 8 hours on 41°C, if needed turn on the other side and dehydrate until it is dry.

:tomato sauce
Soak the dried tomatoes and raisins for an hour or two in a bit of water, just enough to cover them. If it is season for tomatoes, you can ad a couple of fresh cherry tomatoes too and blend it all into a sauce. Spread the sauce on top of dehydrated crusts.

Soak the sunflower seeds, sesame and cashews for 6-8 hours, discharge the water and wash them a bit. Add the lemon juice and a pinch of himalayan salt and blend it into a homogeneous mixture. Spread it on top of tomato sauce.

Add vegetables of your choice. If you want to make the mushrooms (or all of it) more aromatic, you can slightly spice them with tamari soy sauce and put the pizzas into a dehydrator on 46°C for 15 minutes.

what if/
[link] dehydrator, blender, whatever, it's good.
I made it all with a stick blender and it turned out great.
If you have a few days of endless free time and patience and want this pizza to be real art, you can use a real fermented nut/seed cheese instead of this fake cheese. Just let the nut yogurt strain for a few more days and you can even dry it a bit in a dehydrator. I will write a full recipe for that soon.

Friday 12 February 2016

nešto kao žitarice za doručak

Bolje da su za ručak a nisu ni žitarice nego pseudožitarice..

1 šalica heljde
1/4 šalice lanenih sjemenki
2 jabuke
1 šalica grožđica
1/4 - 1/2 šalice suhih goji bobica (ili nekih drugih bobica)
malo ribanog kokosa ili bademovog brašna (opcija)

Heljdu namočite preko noći ili proklijte. Lanene sjemenke namočite oko sat vremena u malo vode da puste sluz. Grožđice i goji bobice namočite oko sat vremena u malo vode, da omekšaju. Jabuke naribajte. U zdjelu stavite naribane jabuke, pola heljde, lanenih sjemenki i goji bobica i većinu grožđica (lan i suho voće stavite zajedno s vodom u kojoj su se namakali). Izmiksajte štapnim mikserom u više ili manje homogenu smjesu. Dodajte ostatak heljde, lana, grožđica i goji bobica i umiješajte u smjesu vilicom. Ako želite gušću smjesu, dodajte kokosovog ili bademovog brašna. Rasporedite na police dehidratora i dehidrirajte na 45°C oko 9 sati, odnosno dok ne bude suho.

što ako/
Moguće je dehidrirati i bez dehidratora - na suncu, na radijatoru, u pećnici...

i još/
Ovu pseudogranolu možete jesti u bademovom mlijeku, bademovom jogurtu ili recimo u šejku od banane i vode. Sve prolazi, sve je divno.


breakfast pseudocereal granola

1 cup buckwheat
1/4 cup flax seeds
2 apples
1 cup raisins
1/4 - 1/2 cup dried goji berries (or any other berries)
ground coconut or almond flour (optional)

Sprout the buckwheat or simply soak it overnight. Soak the flax seeds in a bit of water for an hour; do the same with dried fruits. Grate the apples. Put grated apples, half of the {buckwheat, flax seeds and goji} and most of the raisins in a bowl (don't decant the water in which flax and dried fruits were soaked - put it in as well). Mix it all with a stick mixer into more or less homogeneous mixture. Add the rest of the buckwheat, flax, goji berries and raisins and mix it in with a fork. If you want a thicker mixture, you can add some coconut or almond flour. Spread the mixture on dehydrator shelves and let it dry on 45°C for around 9 hours or until completely dry.

what if/
You can use the sun, oven or some room heater instead of a dehydrator for drying..

This buckwheat granola can be eaten with almond milk, almond yogurt, banana&water shake, the possibilities are endless.

Thursday 11 February 2016

skoro nekuhana juha

Sad ćete mislit da se prenemažem s nekim tam misom i algama ali ovo je jedna od najboljih juha koje sam jela u zadnje vrijeme a miso i alge kupite jednom godišnje i trošite sporo...

{za 1 gladnu osobu}
350 mL vode
1 čajna žličica miso paste
3 polovice sušene rajčice
malo naribanog podanka đumbira
mala šaka suhih arame algi
1 mladi luk
3-4 shiitake gljive
velika šaka listova mlade blitve

Sušene rajčice narežite i skupa sa žličicom miso paste stavite u 350 mL tople vode. Ostavite da odstoji pola sata, promiješajte žlicom i ulijte u blender. Dodajte oko 0.5 cm naribanog svježeg đumbira i sve skupa izblendajte.
Narežite mladi luk, shiitake i mladu blitvu. Ako su peteljke listova blitve žilave, narežite ih na sitnije i odvojite od listova.
U lonac stavite otopinu misa s rajčicom i đumbirom, sušene arame alge, narezane peteljke blitve i pola narezanog mladog luka. Stavite na laganu vatru i malo zagrijte (ne do vrenja nego na nekih 60-70 °C; ako su se već počeli raditi mjehurići možete je ostaviti minutu-dvije da se ohladi). Maknite s vatre i dodajte shiitake, ostatak mladog luka i listove blitve. Po želji začinite s malo himalajske soli ili tamarija (dobro je i bez ali netko voli slanije..).


barely cooked soup

s o o n

Wednesday 10 February 2016

krekeri i gvakamole

krekeri od mrkve i lana sa suncokretovim sjemenkama i češnjakom (1 kg mrkve, 1 šalica lanenih sjemenki - namočiti, 1/2 šalice suncokretovih sjemenki - namočiti, češnjak, mladi luk, kurkuma, himalajska sol)
guacamole s mladim lukom

/ carrot-flax seed crackers with sunflower seeds and garlic
guacamole with green onions

Sunday 7 February 2016

palačinke od jabuke

{za 6 palačinki}
6 jabuka za palačinke i 2 za fil
malo cimeta u prahu
2 jušne žlice mljevenog maka
4 debele datulje
manja šaka grožđica
malo vode
velika šaka listova mladog špinata


Izblendajte 6 jabuka i malo cimeta u homogenu smjesu i rasporedite smjesu u što tanjem sloju na police dehidratora (ne treba biti najtanji na svijetu jer će se još istanjiti kad voda ispari dehidracijom). Dehidrirajte oko 8-9 sati pri 41-42°C.

Sameljite mak u mlincu za kavu i pomiješajte ga štapnim mikserom s datuljama i (namočenim) grođicama. Ako imate dobar blender možete to i lakše i elegantnije izvesti.. Po potrebi dodajte malo vode da smjesa ne bude jako gusta. Narežite 2 jabuke na sitne komadiće i pomiješajte s preljevom od maka i suhog voća.

Palačinke napunite listovima mladog špinata i filom od jabuka i maka i zarolajte.

što ako/
Ako nemate jači blender, jabuke od kojih ćete raditi palačinke možete naribati pa usitniti štapnim mikserom (isprobano, svi smo živi). Dehidrirati je moguće i u pećnici na najnižoj temperaturi (isto isprobano) jedino što je malo rastrošno jer dugo traje...


apple pancakes

{for 6 pancakes}
6 apples for the pancakes and 2 for the filling
pinch of ground cinnamon
2 tbsp ground poppy seeds
4 dates
small handful of raisins
a bit of water
big handful of young/baby spinach leaves


Blend 6 apples with a pinch of cinnamon into a homogeneous mixture and spread the mixture on dehydrator shelves in a thin layer (don't worry if it can't be very thin because it will get thinner while losing water in dehydration). Dehydrate for 8-9 hours on 41-42°C.

Grind the poppy seeds in a coffee grinder and mix them with dates and (soaked) raisins using a stick mixer (or if you have a good blender you can do it all the easier way..). Add just a bit of water so the mixture doesn't turn out too thick. Cut 2 apples into small pieces and mix them with poppy-date-raisin sauce.

Fill the pancakes with spinach leaves and apple-poppy filling and roll them.

what if/
If you don't have a strong blender, you can grate the apples used for the dehydrated pancakes and then mix them with a stick mixer (tried it and everybody is still alive). You can dehydrate the pancakes in an oven on the lowest heat (tried as well) but I think it spends a lot since it takes a long time to dehydrate.

čips od kelja

čips od kelja s namazom od indijskih oraščića i kokosa

kale chips with cashew-coconut butter, oh my oh my

Thursday 4 February 2016

krekeri s lukom

1 + 1/2 šalica heljde
1 šalica suncokretovih sjemenki
1/2 šalice brašna sjemenki konoplje
1/2 šalice lanenih sjemenki
1/2 šalice sušenih rajčica
1/4 šalice grožđica
1 veća glavica luka
4 režnja češnjaka
1 šalica listova celera
1 jušna žlica octa
kurkuma ili curry
malo soja sosa ili himalajske soli

Heljdu namočite 8 sati ili proklijte. Suncokretove sjemenke također namočite 6-8 sati. Izblendajte heljdu, suncokret, brašno sjemenki konoplje, rajčice, grožđice, luk, češnjak, celer, začine i malo vode u smjesu željene teksture. Ako koristite štapni mikser, grožđice i rajčice možete prethodno namočiti u malo vode kako bi omekšale. U smjesu vilicom umiješajte lanene sjemenke i ostavite da odstoji pola sata kako bi lanene sjemenke nabubrile, a smjesa postala čvršća. Rasporedite u tankom sloju na police dehidratora i dehidrirajte na 41 °C oko 10 sati (ili kako vam već odgovara).

što ako/
Ako nemate dehidrator, krekere možete sušiti i u pećnici na najnižoj temperaturi (čak i ako nema ventilaciju), na radijatoru ili peći, ili po ljeti na suncu.


buckwheat crackers with onion

1 + 1/2 cup buckwheat
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 ground hemp seeds
1/2 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup dried tomatoes
1/4 cup raisins
1 big onion
4 garlic cloves
1 cup celery leaves
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
turmeric or curry
a bit of soy sauce or himalayan salt

Soak or sprout the buckwheat; soak the sunflower seeds. If you will be using a stick blender, you can also soak the raisins and dried tomatoes in just a bit of water to make them a little softer. Blend the buckwheat, sunflower, hemp flour, tomatoes, raisins, onion, garlic, celery, spices and a bit of water into a mixture with desired texture. Mix in the flax seeds with a fork and let it sit for half an hour - flax seeds will absorb some water and the mixture will thicken. Spread the mixture in a thin layer on dehydrator shelves and dehydrate for 10 hours on 41°C, or however you prefer.

what if/
If you don't have a dehydrator, you can dry the crackers in an oven on the lowest temperature or even on a radiator, heater, or outside in the sun.
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