Monday 11 September 2017

namaz od lješnjaka

Oni koji prate ovaj blog od samih početaka, vjerojatno se sjećaju da se u početku ovdje pisalo isključivo o sirovoj hrani, obrađenoj na takav način da se u njoj sačuva što više mikronutrijenata i da oni postanu što dostupniji i iskoristiviji ljudskom tijelu. I danas pazim na te stvari, ali mislim da je sasvim u redu ponekad staviti praktičnost ili dobar okus u prvi plan, dok god se radi o cjelovitim namirnicama (biljnog porijekla). Zato ću danas napisati jednostavan recept za nevjerojatno ukusan namaz od pečenih lješnjaka koji možete jesti na žlicu, uz voće ili povrće, uz zobenu kašu, na kruhu, ili ga staviti u slastice. Jedan sastojak, tisuću radosti.

Ja obično koristim oko 400-500 g jer mi taman popuni blender do pola. Što su lješnjaci kvalitetniji, odnosno svježiji, slađi i općenito ukusniji sami po sebi, to će ukusniji biti i namaz.

Rasporedite lješnjake na pleh za pečenje i stavite u hladnu pećnicu. Upalite pećnicu na 150 °C i ostavite oko 25 minuta, odnosno dok lješnjaci ne zamirišu. Nemojte čekati da posmeđe - cilj je da samo malo puste ulje kako bi ih bilo puno lakše izblendati. Nakon što ste izvadili lješnjake iz pećnice, pričekajte 10-15 minuta da se malo ohlade (da budu topli) i prebacite ih u blender. Blendajte dok ne dobijete sasvim glatku i pomalo tekuću smjesu. I...uživajte!

što ako/
Ako nemate dovoljno jaki blender, možete isto napraviti u nešto jačem multipraktiku, samo što će malo dulje trebati da dobijete glatku pastu. Postoji i opcija s mlincem za kavu, ali vjerojatno ćete ga uništiti nakon nekoliko tura (probala prije par godina, uništila, bilo je fino barem).


Those of you who have been following this blog since the beginning probably remember that it all started with raw food recipes with special care given to food processing that doesn't destroy micronutrients and makes them as bioavailable as possible. I do still practice that, of course, but I also think that there is nothing wrong with occasionally putting good taste or simplicity first, as long as we use whole-foods ingredients (sourced from plants). That is why I'm writing a recipe for an amazingly tasty oven-toasted hazelnut butter that you can eat just like that, put it in a porridge, dip some fruits or vegetables in it or use it to make some sweets. One ingredient, thousand joys.

I normally use around 400-500 g because that amount fills half of my blender. Try to get quality hazelnuts that are naturally tasty and sweet, as they will make the best tasting hazelnut butter.

Spread the hazelnuts on a baking tray and put them in a cold oven. Turn it on 150 °C and leave for around 25 minutes, until you start to feel the smell of toasted hazelnuts. They shouldn't turn brown, they should just let some oil out because that way they are much easier to process in a blender. Take the hazelnuts out of the oven and let them cool down for 10-15 minutes (they should be warm). Put them into a blender and blend on high speed until you get a really smooth paste. And...enjoy!

what if/
If you don't have a high-speed blender, you can use a good food processor, but it will take a bit longer to get that smooth and easily spreadable consistency. A cheap coffee grinder is also an option, but you will most probably break it after a few rounds (done that a couple of years ago, it turned out yummy at least).

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